I realized yesterday that it has been several weeks since I posted anything of real substance to this weblog. I dont want to make excuses, but I figured that I better write something to let people know what’s going on. As it stands, it will be until at least September 12th until I write something again.
Those of you that have been reading for a while may remember that Lindsay and I got engaged almost 2 years ago. The wedding date we set was August 27, 2005. That has managed to sneak up on us pretty quickly and the last weeks have been spent in quite a frenzy making last minute preparations for this special day.
We will be leaving this afternoon to head up to the site where we are going to get married and will stay there until some time on Monday afternoon. After that, we will head back home where we will pack up and head off to (hopefully) sunny Maui, where we will enjoy relaxing and decompressing from the stresses of the past few months.
I’ll be back in a few weeks, better than ever. See you soon!